Bernette Fun Lock 004 Serger


Have you ever wanted to try a serger? Well, here's your chance! This high quality beauty is a great intro machine. She doesn't have differential feed like some sergers, but still produces high quality finished edges on knits and woven alike!

Serger rentals come with new needles, power cord, foot pedal, and manual. Some machines may come with an assortment of feet. If you need a certain foot for your project, please reach out to me so I can try to find one to include with your machine.

I will give you a crash course on how to use your particular machine when you pick it up. I recommend having a basic understanding of sewing before renting a machine.

After checkout, I will email you a credit card authorization form in case the machine is not returned. I will not charge you anything unless you do not return the machine.

Sewing machine rental periods are 2 weeks. If you fail to return the machine, or the machine comes back in a condition beyond reasonable repair, you card will be charged a standard price of $200 for a regular machine, or $300 for a serger.
